Monday, August 23, 2010

23 Aôut 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010 was my last day in Paris and I wasn’t motivated to do anything at all.  Unfortunately, my hostel kicks everyone out from noon to 3pm for cleaning, so I was forced to leave.  I went to BNV (the greatest department store ever) and explored a little and then found a memory card reader for my camera so that I can upload my pictures (because I, of course, forgot to bring that chord with me to France).  It was POURING rain!  I was wearing my rainbow flip flops and long sleeves (thank goodness!).  I also asked the lady at the front desk where I could get my black and white film developed and she told me to look on “la rue de pont neuf” (which I think means “the street of the ninth bridge”).  So I walked down to that street which isn’t too far from the Louvre.  There was totally a mall (centre commercial) over there, along with just a bunch of stores and restaurants outside of the mall.  Since I was doing all of this exploring alone, I decided to go in and window shop.  I found out that pretty much nowhere in Paris will develop pictures faster than like a week or something ridiculous like that.  (Someone told me that the French were a bit inefficient)  I wanted like a 1 hour photo or something but nooo…
I decided to just wait until I got to Bordeaux to develop my film.  And I proceeded to get lunch that I ate on some steps (like other French people at the mall) and people watch (one of my favorite past times).

I walked to Starbucks to try to use the free WiFi but my laptop was almost dead and the outlet nearest to me wasn’t working.  I studied my French language textbook for half an hour instead and then headed back to my hostel where I played online for a while and almost got some of my blog updated… another FAIL

Shelby and I went back to the mall to eat dinner.  I had lasagna and an apple tart.  Shelby convinced me to splurge on our last night in Paris and get ice cream after.  I immediately regretted it, but it was good anyway.

I went to bed early because our train was early the next day.

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